exam seasons !!!!

hello semua. .nk bagitau. .di saat ini.. .aku tertekan. .bukan masalah cinta beruk atau sebagainya. tp exam! huwaaa..;'( esok exam engeenering drawing woi. .aku nk lukis apa? semut ka? org lidi ka? sush nk mampuih la lk tuu. .last2 me and faiz decide to learn using youtube. easy ;). . .seriously i'm not understand at all what my teacher teach us. .sorry sir, .  exam ada byk lagi paper. .byk nk kena cover topic balik. .addmath,kimia,physics,lk! all this subject can kill my mind . survive to be an engineer! hehehe. .watcha friends. see what i got for all this subject! fail perhaps but i hope i can pass all subject. .need to mind my education.  .bye. .